The success story of our mid-size family business all starts in the year 1946. At a location just to the east of the old glass factory (see picture above) at Lünen's Borker street. Since then SIBA evolves to become one of the leading german fuse manufacturer. We have compiled important steps of this development:
2020Reorganising of Asian business with new asian business unit SIBA ASIA Pte. Ltd.
2019Finishing of new high rack warehouse with very narrow aisle trucks
2016Another building for production and offices was build.
2011 New office and warehouse building will be completed
2010 Conversion of SIBA GmbH & Co. KG into SIBA GmbH
2008 60 years membership of the VDE Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies e.V.
2006 60 years of SIBA
2004 Conversion of Sicherungen-Bau GmbH into SIBA GmbH & Co. KG
2002 Introduction of infor:com as new ERP software
2002 SIBA GmbH Beijing is formed in China
2001 SIBA L.L.C. is formed in USA
2000 Certification of our environmental management system to DIN EN ISO 14001
1999 SIBA Polska sp. z o.o. is formed in Poland
1996 SIBA Far East Pte. formed in Singapore
1995 Certification of our quality assurance system to DIN ISO 9001
1995 Founding "Verein des umweltgerechten Recycling von abgeschalteten NH-/HH-Sicherungseinsätzen e.V." (Founding member)
1995 SIBA Pisek s.r.o. is formed in Czech Rep.
1994 SIBA Nederland B.V. is formed in Netherlands
1994 SIBA LTD. is formed in UK
1993 International recognition of our quality assurance system through award of the EQ-Net-Certificate
1991 Certification of our quality assurance system to DIN ISO 9002 by DQS and ASTA.
1990 Takeover of Dortmund-based ELU
1989 SIBA Sicherungen- und Schalterbau Ges.m.b.H & Co. KG is formed in Austria
1987 SIBA Fuses S.A. is formed in Johannesburg
1985 Addition of a new factory significantly enlarges our capacities
1972/76 Expansion of production floor area and purchase of new properties
1966 Launch of an international distributor network
1952 Holland marks the beginning of a Europe-wide distributor network
1951 Miniature fuses for electronics as well as fuses to American standard are added to our program
1950 Production of newly developed low and high voltage fuses
1946 The company’s founder, Carl Linz, starts recycling old fuses